Store events from Twilio Segment

Author: Adam Tworkiewicz
Last updated: January 18th, 2022


This solution listens to events from Twilio Segment and writes data to a Teradata Vantage instance. The example uses Google Cloud but it can be translated into any cloud platform.


In this solution, Twilio Segment writes raw event data to Google Cloud Pub/Sub. Pub/Sub forwards events to a Cloud Run application. The Cloud Run app writes data to a Teradata Vantage database. It’s a serverless solution that doesn’t require allocation or management of any VM’s.

Segment Google Cloud Flow Diagram



  1. A Google Cloud account. If you don’t have an account, you can create one at

  2. gcloud installed. See

  3. A Teradata Vantage instance that Google Cloud Run can talk to.

    If you need a test instance of Vantage, you can provision one for free at

Build and deploy

  1. Clone the sample repository:

    git clone
  2. The repo contains segment.sql file that sets up the database. the script on your Vantage db using your favorite SQL IDE, [Teradata Studio]( or command line tool called bteq (download for Windows, Linux, macOS). The SQL script will create a new database called Segment and a set of tables to store Segment events.

  3. Set the default project and region:

    gcloud config set project <PROJECT_ID>
    gcloud config set compute/region <REGION>
  4. Retrieve the project id and the number. We will need it in subsequent steps:

    export PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value project)
    export PROJECT_NUMBER=$(gcloud projects list \
      --filter="$(gcloud config get-value project)" \
  5. Enable required Google Cloud services:

    gcloud services enable
  6. Build the application:

    gcloud builds submit --tag$PROJECT_ID/segment-listener
  7. Define an API key that you will share with Segment. Store the API key in Google Cloud Secret Manager:

    gcloud secrets create VANTAGE_USER_SECRET
    echo -n 'dbc' > /tmp/vantage_user.txt
    gcloud secrets versions add VANTAGE_USER_SECRET --data-file=/tmp/vantage_user.txt
    gcloud secrets create VANTAGE_PASSWORD_SECRET
    echo -n 'dbc' > /tmp/vantage_password.txt
    gcloud secrets versions add VANTAGE_PASSWORD_SECRET --data-file=/tmp/vantage_password.txt
  8. The application that write Segment data to Vantage will use Cloud Run. We first need to allow Cloud Run to access secrets:

    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID \
         --member=serviceAccount:$ \
  9. Deploy the app to Cloud Run (replace <VANTAGE_HOST> with the hostname or IP of your Teradata Vantage database). The second export statement saves the service url as we need it for subsequent commands:

    gcloud run deploy --image$PROJECT_ID/segment-listener segment-listener \
      --region $(gcloud config get-value compute/region) \
      --update-env-vars VANTAGE_HOST= \
    export SERVICE_URL=$(gcloud run services describe segment-listener --platform managed --region $(gcloud config get-value compute/region) --format 'value(status.url)')
  10. Create a Pub/Sub topic that will receive events from Segment:

    gcloud pubsub topics create segment-events
  11. Create a service account that will be used by Pub/Sub to invoke the Cloud Run app:

    gcloud iam service-accounts create cloud-run-pubsub-invoker \
         --display-name "Cloud Run Pub/Sub Invoker"
  12. Give the service account permission to invoke Cloud Run:

    gcloud run services add-iam-policy-binding segment-listener \
      --region $(gcloud config get-value compute/region) \
      --member=serviceAccount:cloud-run-pubsub-invoker@$ \
  13. Allow Pub/Sub to create authentication tokens in your project:

    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID \
      --member=serviceAccount:service-$ \
  14. Create a Pub/Sub subscription with the service account:

    gcloud pubsub subscriptions create segment-events-cloudrun-subscription --topic projects/$PROJECT_ID/topics/segment-events \
       --push-endpoint=$SERVICE_URL \
       --push-auth-service-account=cloud-run-pubsub-invoker@$ \
       --max-retry-delay 600 \
       --min-retry-delay 30
  15. Allow Segment to publish to your topic. To do that, assign role Pub/Sub Publisher in your project at See Segment manual for details.

  16. Configure your Google Cloud Pub/Sub a destination in Segment. Use the full topic projects/<PROJECT_ID>/topics/segment-events and map all Segment event types (using * character) to the topic.

Try it out

  1. Use Segment’s Event Tester functionality to send a sample payload to the topic. Verify that the sample data has been stored in Vantage.


  • The example shows how to deploy the app in a single region. In many cases, this setup doesn’t guarantee enough uptime. The Cloud Run app should be deployed in more than one region behind a Global Load Balancer.


This how-to demonstrates how to send Segment events to Teradata Vantage. The configuration forwards events from Segment to Google Cloud Pub/Sub and then on to a Cloud Run application. The application writes data to Teradata Vantage.

Further reading

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