ModelOps - Import and Deploy your first GIT Model
Author: Pablo Escobar de la Oliva
Last updated: May 29th, 2022
This is a how-to for people who are new to ClearScape Analytics ModelOps. In the tutorial, you will be able to create a new project in ModelOps, upload the required data to Vantage, and track the full lifecycle of a demo model using code templates and following the methodology for GIT models in ModelOps.
Access to a Teradata Vantage instance with ClearScape Analytics (includes ModelOps)
Ability to run Jupyter notebooks
If you need a test instance of Vantage, you can provision one for free at |
Files needed
Let’s start by downloading the needed files for this tutorial. Download these 4 attachments and upload them in your Notebook filesystem. Select the files depending on your version of ModelOps:
ModelOps version 6 (October 2022):
Alternatively you can git clone following repos
git clone
git clone
ModelOps version 7 (April 2023):
git clone -b v7 git clone
Setting up the database and Jupyter environment
Follow the ModelOps_Training Jupyter Notebook to setup the database, tables and libraries needed for the demo.
Create a new Project or use an existing one
Add a new Project
create project
Name: Demo: your-name
Description: ModelOps Demo
Group: your-name
Credentials: No Credentials
Branch: master
Here you can test the git connection. If is green then save and continue. Skip the service connection settings for now.
When creating a new project, ModelOps will ask you for a new connection.
Create a Personal Connection
Personal connection
Name: Vantage personal your-name
Description: Vantage demo env
Host: (internal for teradata transcend only)
Database: your-db
VAL Database: TRNG_XSP (internal for teradata transcend only)
BYOM Database: TRNG_BYOM (internal for teradata transcend only)
Login Mech: TDNEGO
Validate permissions in SQL database for VAL and BYOM
You can check the permissions with the new healthcheck panel in the connections panel
Add dataset to identify Vantage tables for BYOM evaluation and scoring
Let’s create a new dataset template, then 1 dataset for training and 2 datasets for evaluation so we can monitor model quality metrics with 2 different datasets
Add datasets
create dataset template
Name: PIMA
Description: PIMA Diabetes
Feature Catalog: Vantage
Database: your-db
Table: aoa_feature_metadata
Features Query:
SELECT * FROM {your-db}.pima_patient_features
Entity Key: PatientId Features: NumTimesPrg, PlGlcConc, BloodP, SkinThick, TwoHourSerIns, BMI, DiPedFunc, Age
Entity & Target Query:
SELECT * FROM {your-db}.pima_patient_diagnoses
Entity Key: PatientId Target: HasDiabetes
Database: your-db
Table: pima_patient_predictions
Entity selection:
SELECT * FROM pima_patient_features WHERE patientid MOD 5 = 0
Only for v6 (in v7 you will define this in the BYOM no code screen): BYOM Target Column: CAST(CAST(json_report AS JSON).JSONExtractValue('$.predicted_HasDiabetes') AS INT)
Create training dataset
Name: Train
Description: Training dataset
Scope: Training
Entity & Target
SELECT * FROM {your-db}.pima_patient_diagnoses WHERE patientid MOD 5 = 1
Create evaluation dataset 1
Name: Evaluate
Description: Evaluation dataset
Scope: Evaluation
Entity & Target
SELECT * FROM {your-db}.pima_patient_diagnoses WHERE patientid MOD 5 = 2
Create evaluation dataset 2
Name: Evaluate
Description: Evaluation dataset
Scope: Evaluation
Entity & Target
SELECT * FROM {your-db}.pima_patient_diagnoses WHERE patientid MOD 5 = 3
Prepare code templates
For Git Models we need to fill the code templates available when adding a new model.
These code scripts will be stored in the git repository under: model_definitions/your-model/model_modules/
- : this an empty file required for python modules
- this script contains train function
def train(context: ModelContext, **kwargs):
# your training code
# save your model
joblib.dump(model, f"{context.artifact_output_path}/model.joblib")
Review the Operationalize notebook to see how you can execute this from CLI or from notebook as an alternative to ModelOps UI.
- this script contains evaluate function
def evaluate(context: ModelContext, **kwargs):
# read your model
model = joblib.load(f"{context.artifact_input_path}/model.joblib")
# your evaluation logic
Review the Operationalize notebook to see how you can execute this from CLI or from notebook as an alternative to ModelOps UI.
- this script contains score function
def score(context: ModelContext, **kwargs):
# read your model
model = joblib.load(f"{context.artifact_input_path}/model.joblib")
# your evaluation logic
Review the Operationalize notebook to see how you can execute this from CLI or from notebook as an alternative to ModelOps UI.
requirements.txt: this file contains the library names and versions required for your code scripts. Example:
%%writefile ../model_modules/requirements.txt
config.json: this file located in the parent folder (your-model folder) contains default hyper-parameters
%%writefile ../config.json
"hyperParameters": {
"eta": 0.2,
"max_depth": 6
Go and review the code scripts for the demo model in the repository:
Go into model_definitions→python-diabetes→model_modules
Model Lifecycle for a new GIT
Open Project to see models available from GIT
Train a new model version
see how CommitID from code repository is tracked
Review evaluation report, including dataset statistics and model metrics
Compare with other model versions
Deploy in Vantage - Engine, Publish, Schedule. Scoring dataset is required Use your connection and select a database. e.g "aoa_byom_models"
Deploy in Docker Batch - Engine, Publish, Schedule. Scoring dataset is required Use your connection and select a database. e.g "aoa_byom_models"
Deploy in Restful Batch - Engine, Publish, Schedule. Scoring dataset is required Use your connection and select a database. e.g "aoa_byom_models"
Evaluate again with dataset2 - to monitor model metrics behavior
Monitor Model Drift - data and metrics
Open BYOM notebook to execute the PMML predict from SQL code when deployed in Vantage
Test Restful from ModelOps UI or from curl command
Retire deployments
In this quick start we have learned how to follow a full lifecycle of GIT models into ModelOps and how to deploy it into Vantage or into Docker containers for Edge deployments. Then how we can schedule a batch scoring or test restful or on-demand scorings and start monitoring on Data Drift and Model Quality metrics.
Further reading
If you have any questions or need further assistance, please visit our community forum where you can get support and interact with other community members. |