Integrate Teradata Vantage with KNIME Analytics Platform

Author: Jeremy Yu
Last updated: May 18th, 2022


This how-to describes how to connect to Terdata Vantage from KNIME Analytics Platform.

About KNIME Analytics Platform

KNIME Analytics Platform is a data science workbench. It supports analytics on various data sources, including Teradata Vantage.


Integration Procedure

  1. Go to (first time users will need to register) and download the latest version of the JDBC driver.

  2. Unzip the downloaded file. You will find terajdbc4.jar file.

  3. In KNIME, click on File → Preference. Under Databases, click Add:

    Add jar
  4. Register a new database driver. Provide values for ID, Name and Description like below. Click on Add file and point to the .jar file you downloaded earlier. Click on the Find driver classes and the Driver class: should populate with the jdbc.TeraDriver:

    Register driver
  5. Click Apply and Close:

    Apply and close
  6. To test the connection, create a new KNIME workflow and add a Database Reader (legacy) node by dragging it to the workspace to the right:

    Test connection step 1
    Test connection step 2
  7. Right-click on the Database Reader (legacy) to configure settings. Select com.teradata.jdbc.Teradriver from the drop-down:

    Start configuration
  8. Enter the name of the Vantage server and login mechanism, e.g.:

    Enter configuration
  9. To test connection, enter SQL statement in box in lower right. For example, enter SELECT * FROM DBC.DBCInfoV and click Apply to close the dialog:

    Test connection apply
  10. Execute the node to test the connection:

    Execute node
  11. The node will show a green light when run successfully. Right-click and select Data from Database to view the results:

    View results
    View results


This how-to demonstrats how to connect from KNIME Analytics Platform to Teradata Vantage.

Further reading

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