
.info command displays various information for the current session.


usage: info [type]
  behavior   database behavior
  catalog    database catalogs
  client     client info properties
  feature    database features
  function   database functions
  importmap  jdbc type to sql type map for import
  keyword    SQL keywords
  limit      database limits
  schema     database schemas
  server     database server
  table      database table types
  type       database type info
  typemap    jdbc type to sql type map
  user       logon user


.info server
Name                     Value
------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
User                     root@localhost
URL                      jdbc:mysql://localhost/?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf-8
Ready only               No
Database product name    MySQL
Database product version 5.6.33-0ubuntu0.14.04.1
Database major version   5
Database major version   6
Driver name              MySQL Connector Java
Driver version           mysql-connector-java-5.1.39 ( Revision: 3289a357af6d09ecc1a10fd3c26e95183e5790ad )
JDBC major version       4
JDBC minor version       0