
.config configures database handlings using JSON. For more information on the format, see Database Configurations. The intent is that Jaqy can be adapted to a new database more easily without writing a specific helper plugin for it.


Database configurations does not apply to the current active connection.


        "protocol":     "mysql",
        "features": {
                "schema" : false,
                "stream" : false,
                "setObjectType" : false
        "typeMap": [
                { "type" : "CHAR", "name" : "CHAR({0,number,#})", "maxPrecision" : 255 },
                { "type" : "VARCHAR", "name" : "VARCHAR({0,number,#})", "maxPrecision" : 21845 }
        "importTypeMap": [
                { "type" : "CHAR", "name" : "TEXT", "maxPrecision" : 65535 },
                { "type" : "VARCHAR", "name" : "TEXT", "maxPrecision" : 65535 },
                { "type" : "LONGVARCHAR", "name" : "MEDIUMTEXT", "maxPrecision" : 16777215 },
                { "type" : "CLOB", "name" : "LONGTEXT", "maxPrecision" : 2147483647 },
                { "type" : "NCHAR", "name" : "TEXT", "maxPrecision" : 32767 },
                { "type" : "NVARCHAR", "name" : "TEXT", "maxPrecision" : 32767 },
                { "type" : "LONGNVARCHAR", "name" : "MEDIUMTEXT", "maxPrecision" : 8388607 },
                { "type" : "NCLOB", "name" : "LONGTEXT", "maxPrecision" : 1073741823 },
                { "type" : "BINARY", "name" : "BLOB", "maxPrecision" : 65535 },
                { "type" : "VARBINARY", "name" : "BLOB", "maxPrecision" : 65535 },
                { "type" : "LONGVARBINARY", "name" : "MEDIUMBLOB", "maxPrecision" : 16777215 },
                { "type" : "BLOB", "name" : "LONGBLOB", "maxPrecision" : 2147483647 }
        "catalogSQL": {
                "sql" : "SELECT DATABASE()",
                "field" : 1
        "tableSchemaSQL": {
                "sql" : "SHOW CREATE TABLE {0}",
                "field" : 2
        "tableColumnSQL": {
                "sql" : "DESCRIBE {0}",
                "field" : 1
        "protocol":     "postgresql",
        "features": {
                "streamLength" : false
        "typeMap": [
                { "type" : "SMALLINT", "name" : "int2" },
                { "type" : "CHAR", "name" : "char({0,number,#})", "maxPrecision" : 2147483648 },
                { "type" : "VARCHAR", "name" : "varchar({0,number,#})", "maxPrecision" : 2147483648 },
                { "type" : "CLOB", "name" : "text", "maxPrecision" : 2147483648 },
                { "type" : "NCHAR", "name" : "char({0,number,#})", "maxPrecision" : 2147483648 },
                { "type" : "NVARCHAR", "name" : "varchar({0,number,#})", "maxPrecision" : 2147483648 },
                { "type" : "NCLOB", "name" : "text" }
        "importTypeMap": [
                { "type" : "BOOLEAN", "name" : "bool" },
                { "type" : "SMALLINT", "name" : "int2" },
                { "type" : "INTEGER", "name" : "int4" },
                { "type" : "CHAR", "name" : "text" },
                { "type" : "VARCHAR", "name" : "text" },
                { "type" : "CLOB", "name" : "text" },
                { "type" : "NCHAR", "name" : "text" },
                { "type" : "NVARCHAR", "name" : "text" },
                { "type" : "NCLOB", "name" : "text" }
        "protocol":     "sqlite",
        "features": {
                "stream" : false
        "tableSchemaSQL": {
                "sql" : "SELECT sql FROM SQLITE_MASTER WHERE NAME = ''{0}'' COLLATE NOCASE",
                "field" : 1
        "tableColumnSQL": {
                "sql" : "PRAGMA table_info([{0}])",
                "field" : 1
        "protocol":     "derby",
        "features": {
                "setObjectType" : false
        "typeMap": [
                { "type" : "BINARY", "name" : "CHAR ({0,number,#}) FOR BIT DATA", "maxPrecision" : 254 },
                { "type" : "VARBINARY", "name" : "VARCHAR ({0,number,#}) FOR BIT DATA", "maxPrecision" : 32672 },
                { "type" : "LONGVARBINARY", "name" : "LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA", "maxPrecision" : 32700 }
        "protocol":     "sqlserver",
        "catalogSQL": {
                "sql" : "SELECT DB_NAME()",
                "field" : 1
        "typeMap": [
                { "type" : "BOOLEAN", "name" : "bit" },
                { "type" : "BINARY", "name" : "binary({0,number,#})", "maxPrecision" : 2147483648 },
                { "type" : "VARBINARY", "name" : "varbinary({0,number,#})", "maxPrecision" : 2147483648 },
                { "type" : "LONGVARBINARY", "name" : "varbinary({0,number,#})", "maxPrecision" : 2147483648 },
                { "type" : "CHAR", "name" : "char({0,number,#})", "maxPrecision" : 2147483648 },
                { "type" : "VARCHAR", "name" : "varchar({0,number,#})", "maxPrecision" : 2147483648 },
                { "type" : "LONGVARCHAR", "name" : "varchar({0,number,#})", "maxPrecision" : 2147483648 },
                { "type" : "CLOB", "name" : "varchar({0,number,#})", "maxPrecision" : 2147483648 },
                { "type" : "NCHAR", "name" : "nchar({0,number,#})", "maxPrecision" : 1073741824 },
                { "type" : "NVARCHAR", "name" : "nvarchar({0,number,#})", "maxPrecision" : 1073741824 },
                { "type" : "LONGNVARCHAR", "name" : "nvarchar({0,number,#})", "maxPrecision" : 1073741824 },
                { "type" : "NCLOB", "name" : "nvarchar({0,number,#})", "maxPrecision" : 1073741824 }
        "protocol":     "teradata",
        "typeMap": [
                { "type" : "CHAR", "name" : "CHAR({0,number,#}) CHARACTER SET LATIN", "maxPrecision" : 64000 },
                { "type" : "VARCHAR", "name" : "VARCHAR({0,number,#}) CHARACTER SET LATIN", "maxPrecision" : 64000 },
                { "type" : "LONGVARCHAR", "name" : "VARCHAR({0,number,#}) CHARACTER SET LATIN", "maxPrecision" : 64000 },
                { "type" : "CLOB", "name" : "CLOB({0,number,#}) CHARACTER SET LATIN", "maxPrecision" : 2097088000 },
                { "type" : "NCHAR", "name" : "CHAR({0,number,#}) CHARACTER SET UNICODE", "maxPrecision" : 32000 },
                { "type" : "NVARCHAR", "name" : "VARCHAR({0,number,#}) CHARACTER SET UNICODE", "maxPrecision" : 32000 },
                { "type" : "LONGNVARCHAR", "name" : "VARCHAR({0,number,#}) CHARACTER SET UNICODE", "maxPrecision" : 32000 },
                { "type" : "NCLOB", "name" : "CLOB({0,number,#}) CHARACTER SET UNICODE", "maxPrecision" : 1048544000 }
        "features": {
                "catalog" : false
        "schemaSQL": {
                "sql" : "SELECT DATABASE",
                "field" : 1
        "tableSchemaSQL": {
                "sql" : "SHOW TABLE {0}",
                "field" : 1
        "tableColumnSQL": {
                "sql" : "HELP TABLE {0}",
                "field" : 1
.end config