Building Jaqy

Build Requirement

On Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, the build environment can be simply setup with the following command.

sudo apt-get install -y git maven openjdk-8-jdk

Making the Build

git clone
cd jaqy
mvn clean package -Dmaven.test.skip=true

There are severals jars built.

Jar Path Description
dist/jaqy-1.2.0.jar Main program
jaqy-avro/target/jaqy-avro-1.2.0.jar Addon to import / export AVRO format.
jaqy-s3/target/jaqy-s3-1.2.0.jar Addon to access AWS S3
jaqy-azure/target/jaqy-azure-1.2.0.jar Addon to access Azure

Testing Environment

For the unit tests, use docker-compose in the jaqy/ directory to start up a testing docker environment.

docker-compose up -d

Once the testing environment is set up, just run the following maven command to execute the unit tests.

# run junit tests then build the package
mvn clean package
# run standalone CLI tests