
Teradata QueryGrid™ Manager API

Teradata QueryGrid™ Manager provides APIs for centralized administration and monitoring of Teradata QueryGrid. This page documents the available APIs.

API paths should be prefixed with https://hostname:9443/api/v1. Replace hostname with the actual hostname or IP address of a QueryGrid Manager instance.

QueryGrid Manager supports HTTP basic authentication. An API user can be created using the Service Accounts tab within the Managers view of the Teradata Viewpoint QueryGrid portlet. Unless a custom certificate is installed, a self-signed certificate is used to secure communication. The public certificate for the cluster can be found at /etc/opt/teradata/tdqgm/certs/ca.pem on the QueryGrid Manager server.

Here is an example accessing the Issues API using curl, replace hostname and username with appropriate values:

curl --cacert ca.pem -u username https://hostname:9443/api/v1/issues

Click on a QueryGrid version below to see API documentation specific to that version.