Presto 0.141t Documentation

12.29. EXECUTE

12.29. EXECUTE


EXECUTE statement_name [USING parameter1[, parameter2, ...]]


Executes a prepared statement with the name statement_name. Parameter values are defined in the USING clause.


  • Execute a query with no parameters:

    Let my_select1 be the name of the prepared statement SELECT name FROM nation.

    The command below will execute the query:

    EXECUTE my_select1;
  • Execute a query with a single parameter:

    Let my_select2 be the name of the prepared statement SELECT name FROM nation WHERE regionkey = ?.

    The command below will execute SELECT name FROM nation WHERE regionkey = 1:

    EXECUTE my_select2 USING 1;
  • Execute a query with two parameters:

    Let my_select3 be the name of the prepared statement SELECT name FROM nation WHERE regionkey = ? and nationkey < ?.

    The command below will execute SELECT name from nation WHERE regionkey = 1 AND nationkey < 3:

    EXECUTE my_select3 USING 1, 3;