Presto 0.141t Documentation




DESCRIBE OUTPUT statement_name


Describes the output columns of a prepared statement. It returns a table with metadata about each output column. Each row in the output provides the following information: column name (or the column’s alias if it is aliased), table, schema, connector, type, type size in bytes, boolean indicating whether the column is aliased and boolean indicating whether the query is a row count query (DDL/DML query that returns no data).


  1. Describe a query with four output columns:

    Let my_select be the name of the prepared statement SELECT * FROM nation:

    DESCRIBE OUTPUT my_select;

    Returns a table with metadata on all output columns

     Column Name | Table  | Schema | Connector |  Type   | Type Size | Aliased | Row Count Query
     nationkey   | nation | sf1    | tpch      | bigint  |         8 | false   | false
     name        | nation | sf1    | tpch      | varchar |         0 | false   | false
     regionkey   | nation | sf1    | tpch      | bigint  |         8 | false   | false
     comment     | nation | sf1    | tpch      | varchar |         0 | false   | false
  2. Describe a query whose output columns are expressions:

    Let my_select be the name of the prepared statement SELECT count(*) as my_count, 1+2 FROM nation:

    DESCRIBE OUTPUT my_select;

    Returns a table with two rows

     Column Name | Table | Schema | Connector |  Type  | Type Size | Aliased | Row Count Query
     my_count    |       |        |           | bigint |         8 | true    | false
     _col1       |       |        |           | bigint |         8 | false   | false
  3. Describe a row count query:

    Let my_show_tables be the name of the prepared statement show tables:

    DESCRIBE OUTPUT my_show_tables;

    Returns a table with one null row

     Column Name | Table | Schema | Connector | Type | Type Size | Aliased | Row Count Query
     NULL        | NULL  | NULL   | NULL      | NULL | NULL      | NULL    | true