Presto 0.127t Documentation

Presto on Yarn-based cluster

Presto on Yarn-based cluster

Presto-YARN Slider package

Presto can be installed on Yarn-based cluster. Presto integration with yarn is provided by using Apache Slider. To install presto on yarn cluster first you need to have Presto Slider package. Once you have a package you go to Presto-YARN deployment.

Presto-YARN deployment

Presto on YARN can be set up either manually using Apache Slider or via Ambari Slider Views if you are planning to use HDP distribution.


Please note that all example files refered in below section comes from:


  • A cluster with HDP 2.2+ or CDH5.4+ installed
  • Apache Slider 0.80.0
  • JDK 1.8
  • Zookeeper
  • openssl >= 1.0.1e-16
  • Ambari (optional) 2.1

Presto App Package configuration

There are some sample configuration options files available at presto-yarn-package/src/main/resources directory in the repository. appConfig.json and resources-[singlenode|mutlinode].json files are the two major configuration files you need to configure before you can get Presto running on YARN. Copy the presto-yarn-package/src/main/resources/appConfig.json and presto-yarn-package/src/main/resources/resources-[singlenode|multinode].json to a local file at a location where you are planning to run Slider. Name them as appConfig.json and resources.json. Update these sample json files with whatever configurations you want to have for Presto. If you are ok with the default values in the sample file you can just use them as-is.

The “default” values listed for the sections appConfig.json and resources.json are from presto-yarn-package/src/main/resources/appConfig.json and presto-yarn-package/src/main/resources/resources-multinode.json files respectively. These default values will also be used for installation using Ambari Slider View.

Note: If you are planning to use Ambari for your installation skip to this section. Changing these files manually is needed only if you are going to install Presto on YARN manually using Slider. If installing via Ambari, you can change these configurations from the Slider view.

Follow the steps here and configure the presto-yarn configuration files to match your cluster requirements. Optional ones are marked (optional). Please do not change any variables other than the ones listed below.


  • (default - yarn): This is the user which will be launching the YARN application for Presto. So all the Slider commands (using bin/slider script) will be run as this user. Make sure that you have a HDFS home directory created for the app_user. Eg: for user yarn create /user/yarn with yarn user as an owner.
hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /user/yarn
hdfs dfs -chown yarn:yarn /user/yarn

Note: For operations involving Hive connector in Presto, especially INSERT, ALTER TABLE etc, it may require that the user running Presto has access to HDFS directories like Hive warehouse directories. So make sure that the app_user you set has appropriate access permissions to those HDFS directories. For eg: /apps/hive/warehouse is usually where Presto user will need access for various DML operations involving Hive connector and is owned by hdfs in most cases. In that case, one way to fix the permission issue is to set to user hdfs and also create /user/hdfs directory in HDFS if not already there (as above). You will also need to run any slider scripts(bin/slider) as user hdfs in this case.

  • (default - hadoop): The group owning the application.
  • (default - /var/lib/presto/data): The data directory configured should be pre-created on all nodes and must be owned by user yarn, otherwise slider will fail to start Presto with permission errors.
  • (default - true): If set to true, the node used act as both coordinator and worker (singlenode mode). For multi-node set up, this should be set to false.
  • (default - 5GB): This will be used as query.max-memory in Presto’s file.
  • (default - 600MB): This will be used as query.max-memory-per-node in Presto’s file.
  • (default - 8080): Presto server’s http port.
  • (optional) (default - configures tpch connector): It should be of the format (note the single quotes around each value) - {‘connector1’ : [‘key1=value1’, ‘key2=value2’..], ‘connector2’ : [‘key1=value1’, ‘key2=value2’..]..}. This will create files, for Presto with entries key1=value1 etc.
"": "{'hive': ['', 'hive.metastore.uri=thrift://${NN_HOST}:9083'], 'tpch': ['']}"

Note: The NN_HOST used in hive.metastore.uri is a variable for your HDFS Namenode and this expects that your hive metastore is up and running on your HDFS Namenode host. You do not have to replace that with your actual Namenode hostname. This variable will be substituted with your Namenode hostname during runtime. If you have hive metastore running elsewhere make sure you update NN_HOST with the appropriate hostname.

  • (default - as in example below): This configures Presto jvm.config file and default heapsize is 1GB. Since Presto needs the jvm.config format to be a list of options, one per line, this property must be a String representation of list of strings. Each entry of this list will be a new line in your jvm.config. For example the configuration should look like:
"": "['-server', '-Xmx1024M', '-XX:+UseG1GC', '-XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M', '-XX:+UseGCOverheadLimit', '-XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent', '-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError', '-XX:OnOutOfMemoryError=kill -9 %p']",
  • and (optional) (default - None): Presto launched via Slider will use and created from templates presto-yarn-package/package/templates/*.j2 and presto-yarn-package/package/target/ respectively. If you want to add any additional properties to these configuration files, add and to your appConfig.json. The value of these has to be a string representation of an array of entries (key=value) that has to go to the .properties file. Eg:
"": "['task.max-worker-threads=50', 'distributed-joins-enabled=true']"
  • (optional) (default - None): This allows you to add any additional jars you want to copy to plugin presto-server-<version>/plugin/<connector> directory in addition to what is already available there. It should be of the format {‘connector1’ : [‘jar1’, ‘jar2’..], ‘connector2’ : [‘jar3’, ‘jar4’..]..}. This will copy jar1, jar2 to Presto plugin directory at plugin/connector1 directory and jar3, jar4 at plugin/connector2 directory. Make sure you have the plugin jars you want to add to Presto available at presto-yarn-package/src/main/slider/package/plugins/ prior to building the presto-yarn app package and thus the app package built presto-yarn-package-<version>-<presto-version>.zip will have the jars under package/plugins directory.
"": "{'ml': ['presto-ml-${presto.version}.jar']}",
  • java_home (default - /usr/lib/jvm/java): Presto requires Java 1.8. So make jdk8 the default java or add it to java_home here
  • Variables in appConfig.json like ${COORDINATOR_HOST}, ${AGENT_WORK_ROOT} etc. do not need any substitution and will be appropriately configured during runtime.


The configuration here can be added either globally (for COORDINATOR and WORKER) or for each component. Refer configuration section for further details.

  • yarn.vcores (default - 1): By default this is set globally.
  • yarn.component.instances (default - 1 for COORDINATOR and 3 for WORKER): The multinode presto-yarn-package/src/main/resources/resources-multinode.json sample file is now configured for a 4 node cluster where there will be 1 coordinator and 3 workers with strict placement policy, meaning, there will be one component instance running on every node irrespective of failure history. If there are insufficient number of nodemanager nodes in your cluster to accomodate the number of workers requested, the application launch will fail. The number of workers could be number of nodemanagers in your cluster - 1, with 1 node reserved for the coordinator, if you want Presto to be on all YARN nodes. If you want to deploy Presto on a single node ( set to true), make sure you set 1 for the COORDINATOR and just not add the WORKER component section (Refer presto-yarn-package/src/main/resources/resources-singlenode.json). You can also just set yarn.component.instances to 0 for WORKER in this case.
  • yarn.memory (default - 1500MB): The heapsize defined as -Xmx of in appConfig.json, is used by the Presto JVM itself. Slider suggests that the value of yarn.memory must be bigger than this heapsize. The value of yarn.memory MUST be bigger than the heap size allocated to any JVM and Slider suggests using atleast 50% more appears to work, though some experimentation will be needed.
  • yarn.label.expression (optional) (default - coordinator for COORDINATOR and worker for WORKER``): See label section for details.

Now you are ready to deploy Presto on YARN either manually or via Ambari.

Manual Installation via Slider

tar -xvf slider-0.80.0-incubating-all.tar.gz
  • Now configure Slider with JAVA_HOME and HADOOP_CONF_DIR in slider-0.80.0-incubating/conf/
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java
export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=/etc/hadoop/conf
  • Configure zookeeper in conf/slider-client.xml. In case zookeper is listening on master:2181 you need to add there the following section:
  • Configure path where slide packages will be installed
  • Make sure the user running slider, which should be same as in appConfig.json, has a home dir in HDFS (See note here).
su hdfs
$ hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /user/<user>
$ hdfs dfs -chown <user>:<user> -R /user/<user>
  • Now run slider as

For more details on appConfig.json and resources.json follow configuration section.

su <user>
cd slider-0.80.0-incubating
bin/slider package --install --name PRESTO --package ../presto-yarn-package-*.zip
bin/slider create presto1 --template appConfig.json --resources resources.json (using modified .json files as per your requirement)

This should start your application, and you can see it under the Yarn ResourceManager webUI.

Additional Slider commands

Some additional slider commands to manage your existing Presto application.

Check the status

If you want to check the status of running application you run the following, and you will have status printed to a file status_file

bin/slider status presto1 --out status_file
Destroy the app and re-create

If you want to re-create the app due to some failures or you want to reconfigure Presto (eg: add a new connector)

bin/slider destroy presto1
bin/slider create presto1 --template appConfig.json --resources resources.json
‘Flex’ible app

Flex the number of Presto workers to the new value. If greater than before, new copies of the worker will be requested. If less, component instances will be destroyed.

Changes are immediate and depend on the availability of resources in the YARN cluster. Make sure while flex that there are extra nodes available(if adding) with YARN nodemanagers running and also Presto data directory pre-created/owned by yarn user. Also make sure these nodes do not have a Presto component already running, which may cause flex-ing to deploy worker on these nodes and eventually failing.

eg: Asumme there are 2 nodes (with YARN nodemanagers running) in the cluster and you initially deployed only one of the nodes with Presto via Slider. If you want to deploy and start Presto WORKER component on the second node (assuming it meets all resource requirements) and thus have the total number of WORKERS to be 2, then run:

bin/slider flex presto1 --component WORKER 2

Please note that if your cluster already had 3 WORKER nodes running, the above command will destroy one of them and retain 2 WORKERs.

Installation using Ambari Slider View

You can also deploy Presto in Yarn via Ambari. Ambari provides Slider integration and also supports deploying any Slider application package using Slider ‘views’. Slider View for Ambari delivers an integrated experience for deploying and managing Slider apps from Ambari Web.

The steps for deploying Presto on Yarn via Slider views in Ambari are:

  • Install Ambari server. You may refer:
  • Copy the app package presto-yarn-package-<version>-<presto-version>.zip to /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/apps/ directory on your Ambari server node. Restart ambari-server.
  • Now Log In to Apache Ambari, http://ambariserver_ip:8080 #username-admin password-admin
  • Name your cluster, provide the configuration of the cluster and follow the steps on the WebUI.
  • Customize/configure the services and install them. A minimum of HDFS, YARN, Zookeeper is required for Slider to work. You must also also select Slider to be installed.
  • Once you have all the services up and running on the cluster, you can configure Slider in Ambari to manage your application by creating a “View”. Go to admin (top right corner) -> Manage Ambari and then from the left pane select Views.
  • There, create a Slider View by populating all the necessary fields with a preferred instance name (eg: Slider). ambari.server.url can be of the format - http://<ambari-server-url>:8080/api/v1/clusters/<clustername>, where <clustername> is what you have named your Ambari cluster.
  • Select the “Views” control icon in the upper right, select the instance you created in the previous step, eg: “Slider”.
  • Now click Create App to create a new Presto YARN application.
  • Provide details of the Presto service. By default, the UI will be populated with the values you have in the *-default.json files in your presto-yarn-package-*.zip.
  • The Allocate Resources section can be configured for the Presto components, COORDINATOR and WORKER, also the yarn.memory for each. Configuring label is optional. Please refer resources.json section for config details.
  • The app name should be of lower case, eg: presto1, and also set all the configuration here as per your cluster requirement. See here for explanation on each configuration variable.
  • Prepare HDFS for Slider. The user directory you create here should be for the same user you set in global.app_user field. If the app_user is going to be yarn then do:

su hdfs hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /user/yarn hdfs dfs -chown yarn:yarn /user/yarn

  • Make sure you change the global.presto_server_port from 8080 to some other unused port, since Ambari by default uses 8080.
  • Make sure the data directory in the UI (added in appConfig-default.json eg: /var/lib/presto/) is pre-created on all nodes and the directory must owned by user yarn, otherwise slider will fail to start Presto with permission errors.
  • If you want to add any additional Custom properties, use Custom property section. Additional properties supported as of now are, and See section above for requirements and format of these properties.
  • Click Finish. This will basically do the equivalent of package  --install and create you do via the bin/slider script. Once successfully deployed, you will see the Yarn application started for Presto.
  • You can manage the application lifecycle (e.g. start, stop, flex, destroy) from the View UI.

Reconfiguration in Slider View

Once the application is launched if you want to update the configuration of Presto (eg: add a new connector), first go to Actions on the Slider View instance screen and stop the running application.

Once the running YARN application is stopped, under Actions you will have an option to Destroy the existing Presto instance running via Slider. Destroy the existing one and re-create a new app (Create App button) with whatever updates you want to make to the configuration.

Presto Installation Directory Structure

If you use Slider scripts or use Ambari slider view to set up Presto on YARN, Presto is going to be installed using the Presto server tarball (and not the rpm). Installation happens when the YARN application is launched and you can find the Presto server installation directory under the yarn.nodemanager.local-dirs on your YARN nodemanager nodes. If for example, your yarn.nodemanager.local-dirs is /mnt/hadoop/nm-local-dirs and app_user is yarn, you can find Presto is installated under /mnt/hadoop-hdfs/nm-local-dir/usercache/yarn/appcache/application_<id>/container_<id>/app/install/presto-server-<version>. The first part of this path (till the container_id) is called the AGENT_WORK_ROOT in Slider and so in terms of that, Presto is available under AGENT_WORK_ROOT/app/install/presto-server-<version>.

Normally for a tarball installed Presto the catalog, plugin and lib directories will be subdirectories under the main presto-server installation directory. The same case here, the catalog directory is at AGENT_WORK_ROOT/app/install/presto-server-<version>/etc/catalog, plugin and lib directories are created under AGENT_WORK_ROOT/app/install/presto-server-<version>/plugin and AGENT_WORK_ROOT/app/install/presto-server-<version>/lib directories respectively. The launcher scripts used to start the Presto Server will be at AGENT_WORK_ROOT/app/install/presto-server-<version>/bin directory.

The Presto logs are available at locations based on your configuration for data directory. If you have it configured at /var/lib/presto/data in appConfig.json then you will have Presto logs at /var/lib/presto/data/var/log/.

Advanced Configuration

A little deeper explanation on various configuration options available.

Configuring memory and CPU

Memory and CPU related configuration properties must be modified as per your cluster configuration and requirements.


yarn.memory in resources.json declares the amount of memory to ask for in YARN containers. It should be defined for each component, COORDINATOR and WORKER based on the expected memory consumption, measured in MB. A YARN cluster is usually configured with a minimum container allocation, set in yarn-site.xml by the configuration parameter yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb. It will also have a maximum size set in yarn.scheduler.maximum-allocation-mb. Asking for more than this will result in the request being rejected.

The heapsize defined as -Xmx of in appConfig.json, is used by the Presto JVM itself. Slider suggests that the value of yarn.memory must be bigger than this heapsize. The value of yarn.memory MUST be bigger than the heap size allocated to any JVM and Slider suggests using atleast 50% more appears to work, though some experimentation will be needed.

In addition, set other memory specific properties presto_query_max_memory and presto_query_max_memory_per_node in appConfig.json as you would set the properties query.max-memory and query.max-memory-per-node in Presto’s


Slider also supports configuring the YARN virtual cores to use for the process which can be defined per component. yarn.vcores declares the number of “virtual cores” to request. Ask for more vcores if your process needs more CPU time.

See for more details.

CGroups in YARN

If you are using CPU scheduling (using the DominantResourceCalculator), you should also use CGroups to constrain and manage CPU processes. CGroups compliments CPU scheduling by providing CPU resource isolation. With CGroups strict enforcement turned on, each CPU process gets only the resources it asks for. This way, we can guarantee that containers hosting Presto services is assigned with a percentage of CPU. If you have another process that needs to run on a node that also requires CPU resources, you can lower the percentage of CPU allocated to YARN to free up resources for the other process.

See Hadoop documentation on how to configure CGroups in YARN: Once you have CGroups configured, Presto on YARN containers will be configured in the CGroups hierarchy like any other YARN application containers.

Slider can also define YARN queues to submit the application creation request to, which can set the priority, resource limits and other values of the application. But this configuration is global to Slider and defined in conf/slider-client.xml. You can define the queue name and also the priority within the queue. All containers created in the Slider cluster will share this same queue.



Failure policy

Follow this section if you want to change the default Slider failure policy. Yarn containers hosting Presto may fail due to some misconfiguration in Presto or some other conflicts. The number of times the component may fail within a failure window is defined in resources.json.

The related properties are:

  • The duration of a failure window, a time period in which failures are counted. The related properties are yarn.container.failure.window.days, yarn.container.failure.window.hours, yarn.container.failure.window.minutes and should be set in the global section as it relates just to slider. The default value is yarn.container.failure.window.hours=6. The initial window is measured from the start of the slider application master —once the duration of that window is exceeded, all failure counts are reset, and the window begins again.
  • The maximum number of failures of any component in this time period. yarn.container.failure.threshold is the property for this and in most cases, should be set proportional to the the number of instances of the component. For Presto clusters, where there will be one coordinator and some number of workers it is reasonable to have a failure threshold for workers more than that of coordinator. This is because a higher failure rate of worker nodes is to be expected if the cause of the failure is due to the underlying hardware. At the same time the threshold should be low enough to detect any Presto configuration issues causing the workers to fail rapidly and breach the threshold sooner.

These failure thresholds are all heuristics. When initially configuring an application instance, low thresholds reduce the disruption caused by components which are frequently failing due to configuration problems. In a production application, large failure thresholds and/or shorter windows ensures that the application is resilient to transient failures of the underlying YARN cluster and hardware.

Based on the placement policy there are two more failure related properties you can set.

  • The configuration property yarn.node.failure.threshold defines how “unreliable” a node must be before it is skipped for placement requests. This is only used for the default yarn.component.placement.policy where unreliable nodes are avoided.
  • yarn.placement.escalate.seconds is the timeout after which slider will escalate the request of pending containers to be launched on other nodes. For strict placement policy where the requested components are deployed on all nodes, this property is irrelevant. For other placement policies this property is relevant and the higher the cost of migrating a component instance from one host to another, the longer value of escalation timeout is recommended. Thus slider will wait longer before the component instance is escalated to be started on other nodes. During restart, for cases where redeploying the component instances on the same node as before is beneficial (due to locality of data or similar reasons), a higher escalation timeout is recommended.

Take a look here: for more details on failure policy.

Using YARN label

This is an optional feature and is not required to run Presto in YARN. To guarantee that a certain set of nodes are reserved for deploying Presto or to configure a particular node for a component type we can make use of YARN label expressions. To create and assign node to labels refer the below link.

Let’s say you have an 8 node cluster with

  • 3 master nodes - m1, m2, m3
  • 3 data nodes - d1, d2, d3
  • 2 edge nodes - e1, e2 (edge nodes are basically nodes with various client like Hbase, Hive, Oozie, etc)

Note: YARN labels can only be assigned to nodes which have YARN NodeManager service running on them. Generally data nodes are the nodes which have NodeManager service running. Without yarn labels, when we deploy presto-on-yarn the presto-coordinator/worker can be on any of the nodes d1, d2, d3. In case, we want coordinator to be always on d1 and workers on d2 and d3, we can create 2 yarn labels namely “Coordinator” and “Worker”

Assign Coordinator to d1 and Worker to d2 and d3. Now Presto coordinator will be always be running on d1. For assigning YARN labels to nodes, you can either use the Ambari Slider View( Create App –> Allocate Resource –> YARN Labels) or add the label expression to resources.json if installing using Slider cli.

  • First assign the nodes/subset of nodes with appropriate labels.
  • Then set the components in resource.json with yarn.label.expression to have labels to be used when allocating containers for Presto.
  • Create the application using bin/slider create .. --queue <queuename>. queuename will be the queue defined in step one for the appropriate label.

If a label expression is specified for the slider-appmaster component then it also becomes the default label expression for all component. Sample resources.json may look like:

  "yarn.role.priority": "1",
  "yarn.component.instances": "1",
  "yarn.component.placement.policy": "1",
  "yarn.role.priority": "2",
  "yarn.component.instances": "2",
  "yarn.component.placement.policy": "1",

where coordinator and worker are the node labels created and configured with a scheduler queue in YARN

Debugging and Logging

  • Once the YARN application is launched, you can monitor the status at YARN ResourceManager WebUI.
  • A successfully launched application will be in RUNNING state. The YARN ApplicationMaster UI (eg: http://master:8088/cluster/app/application_<id>) will show slider-appmaster, COORDINATOR and WORKER components and the associated containers running based on your configuration. You can also use Slider cli script to check status.
  • If you have used labels your COORDINATOR and WORKER components will be running on nodes which were ‘labelled’.
  • If you have not used labels, then you can check the status either at the YARN ResourceManager (eg: http://master:8088/cluster/app/application_<id>) or you can use status to get the “live” containers, and thus get the node hosting the Presto components.
  • If Presto is up and running, then a pgrep of PrestoServer on your NodeManager nodes will give you the process details. This should also give the directory Presto is installed and the configuration files used by Presto.
  • It is recommended that log aggregation of YARN application log files be enabled in YARN, using yarn.log-aggregation-enable property in your yarn-site.xml. Then slider logs created during the launch of Presto-YARN will be available locally on your nodemanager nodes (where slider-appmaster and Presto components-COORDINATOR/WORKER are deployed) under contanier logs directory eg: /var/log/hadoop-yarn/application_<id>/container_<id>/. For any retries attempted by Slider to launch Presto a new container will be launched and hence you will find a new container_<id> directory. You can look for any errors under errors_*.txt there, and also there is a slider-agent.log file which will give you Slider application lifetime details. Subsequently every Slider application owner has the flexibility to set the include and exclude patterns of file names that they intend to aggregate, by adding the following properties in their resources.json. For example, using
"global": {
   "yarn.log.include.patterns": "*",
   "yarn.log.exclude.patterns": "*.*out"

See for details.

  • Presto logs will be available under the standard Presto data directory location. By default it is /var/lib/presto/data/var/log directory where /var/lib/presto/data is the default data directory configured in Slider appConfig.json. You can find both server.log and http-request.log files here. Please note that log rotation of these Presto log files will have to be manually enabled (for eg: using