Presto 0.127t Documentation

12.8. Binary Functions

12.8. Binary Functions

Binary Functions

length(binary) → bigint

Returns the length of binary in bytes.

to_base64(binary) → varchar

Encodes binary into a base64 string representation.

from_base64(string) → varbinary

Decodes binary data from the base64 encoded string.

to_base64url(binary) → varchar

Encodes binary into a base64 string representation using the URL safe alphabet.

from_base64url(string) → varbinary

Decodes binary data from the base64 encoded string using the URL safe alphabet.

to_hex(binary) → varchar

Encodes binary into a hex string representation.

from_hex(string) → varbinary

Decodes binary data from the hex encoded string.

md5(binary) → varbinary

Computes the md5 hash of binary.

sha1(binary) → varbinary

Computes the sha1 hash of binary.

sha256(binary) → varbinary

Computes the sha256 hash of binary.

sha512(binary) → varbinary

Computes the sha512 hash of binary.