10.3. Properties Reference

This section describes the most important config properties that may be used to tune Presto or alter its behavior when required.

General Properties


  • Type: string
  • Default value: REPARTITIONED

The type of distributed join to use. When set to REPARTITIONED, presto will use hash distributed joins. When set to REPLICATED, it will broadcast the right table to all nodes in the cluster that have data from the left table. Repartitioned joins require redistributing both tables using a hash of the join key. This can be slower (sometimes substantially) than broadcast joins, but allows much larger joins. In particular broadcast joins will be faster if the right table is much smaller than the left. However, broadcast joins require that the tables on the right side of the join after filtering fit in memory on each node, whereas distributed joins only need to fit in distributed memory across all nodes. When set to AUTOMATIC, Presto will make a cost based decision as to which distribution type is optimal. It will also consider switching the left and right inputs to the join. In AUTOMATIC mode, Presto will default to replicated joins if no cost could be computed, such as if the tables do not have statistics. This can also be specified on a per-query basis using the join_distribution_type session property.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default value: true

This property enables redistribution of data before writing. This can eliminate the performance impact of data skew when writing by hashing it across nodes in the cluster. It can be disabled when it is known that the output data set is not skewed in order to avoid the overhead of hashing and redistributing all the data across the network. This can also be specified on a per-query basis using the redistribute_writes session property.


  • Type: data size
  • Default value: JVM max memory * 0.4

The amount of JVM memory reserved, for accounting purposes, for things that are not directly attributable to or controllable by a user query. For example, output buffers, code caches, etc. This also accounts for memory that is not tracked by the memory tracking system.

The purpose of this property is to prevent the JVM from running out of memory (OOM). The default value is suitable for smaller JVM heap sizes or clusters with many concurrent queries. If running fewer queries with a large heap, a smaller value may work. Basically, set this value large enough that the JVM does not fail with OutOfMemoryError.


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default value: true
  • Description: Allow reordering windows in order to put those with the same partitioning next to each other. This will sometimes decrease the number of repartitionings. This can also be specified on a per-query basis using the reorder_windows session property.

Properties controlling spilling


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default value: false
  • Description: Try spilling memory to disk to avoid exceeding memory limits for the query.

Spilling works by offloading memory to disk. This process can allow some queries with large memory footprint to pass at the cost of slower execution times. Currently, spilling is supported only for aggregations and joins, so this property will not reduce memory usage required for window functions and sorting.

Be aware that this is an experimental feature and should be used with care.

Currently, all queries with aggregations will slow down after enabling spilling. It is recommended to use the spill session property to selectively turn on spilling only for queries that would run out of memory otherwise.

This config property can be overridden by the spill_enabled session property.


  • Type: String
  • No default value. Must be overriden before enabling spilling
  • Description: Directory where spilled content will be written. It can be a comma separated list to

spill simultaneously to multiple directories, which helps to utilize multiple drives installed in the system. It is highly unrecommended to spill to system drives. Especially do not spill on a drive, to which are written JVM logs. Otherwise disks overutilization might cause JVM to pause for lengthy periods causing presto workers to disconnect.


  • Type: Double
  • Default value: 0.9
  • Description: If disk space usage of a given spill path is above this threshold, this spill path will not be eligible for spilling.


  • Type: Integer
  • Default value: 4
  • Description: Number of spiller threads. Increase this value if the default is not able to saturate the underlying spilling device (for example, when using a RAID matrix with multiple disks)


  • Type: String (data size)
  • Default value: 100 GB
  • Description: Max spill space to be used by all queries on a single node.


  • Type: String (data size)
  • Default value: 100 GB
  • Description: Max spill space to be used by a single query on a single node.


  • Type: String (data size)
  • Default value: 4 MB
  • Description: Limit for memory used for unspilling a single aggregation operator instance.

Query execution properties


  • Type: String (all-at-once or phased)
  • Default value: all-at-once
  • Description:
Setting this value to phased will allow the query scheduler to split a single query execution between different time slots. This will allow Presto to switch context more often and possibly stage the partially executed query in order to increase robustness. Average time to execute a query may slightly increase after setting this to phased, but query execution time will be more consistent. This can also be specified on a per-query basis using the execution_policy session property.


  • Type: Integer
  • Default value: 100
  • Description:
This value is used to determine how many nodes may share the same query when fixed partitioning is chosen by Presto. Manipulating this value will affect the distribution of work between nodes. A value lower then the number of Presto nodes may lower the utilization of the cluster in a low traffic environment. An excessively high value will cause multiple partitions of the same query to be assigned to a single node, or Presto may ignore the setting if node-scheduler.multiple-tasks-per-node-enabled is set to false - the value is internally capped at the number of available worker nodes in such scenario. This can also be specified on a per-query basis using the hash_partition_count session property.


  • Type: String (duration, at least 5s)
  • Default value: 5 m
  • Description:
Delay between a cluster running low on memory and invoking a query killer. A lower value may cause more queries to fail fast, but fewer queries to fail in an unexpected way.


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default value: false
  • Description:
This property controls whether a query killer should be triggered when a cluster is running out of memory. The killer will drop the largest queries first so enabling this option may cause problems with executing large queries in a highly loaded cluster, but should increase stability of smaller queries.


  • Type: Integer (at least 1)
  • Default value: 5
  • Description:
Size of the thread pool used for garbage collecting after queries. Threads from this pool are used to free resources from canceled queries, as well as enforce memory limits, queries timeouts etc. More threads will allow for more efficient memory management, and so may help avoid out of memory exceptions in some scenarios. However, having more threads may also increase CPU usage for garbage collecting and will have an additional constant memory cost even if the threads have nothing to do.


  • Type: String (duration)
  • Default value: 15 m
  • Description:
This property describes the minimum time after which the query metadata may be removed from the server. If the value is too low, the client may not be able to receive information about query completion. The value describes minimum time, but if there is space available in the history queue the query data will be kept longer. The size of the history queue is defined by the query.max-history property.


  • Type: Integer (at least 1)
  • Default value: 1000
  • Description:
Deprecated Describes how many queries can be processed simultaneously in a single cluster node. In new configurations, the query.queue-config-file should be used instead.


  • Type: String (data size)
  • Default value: 20 GB
  • Description:
Serves as the default value for the query_max_memory session property. This property also describes the strict limit of total memory that may be used to process a single query. A query is dropped if the limit is reached unless the resource_overcommit session property is set. This property helps ensure that a single query cannot use all resources in a cluster. It should be set higher than what is expected to be needed for a typical query in the system. It is important to set this to higher than the default if Presto will be running complex queries on large datasets. It is possible to decrease the query memory limit for a session by setting query_max_memory to a smaller value. Setting query_max_memory to a greater value than query.max-memory will not have any effect.


  • Type: String (data size)
  • Default value: JVM max memory * 0.1
  • Description:
The purpose of that is same as of query.max-memory but the memory is not counted cluster-wise but node-wise instead. This should not be any lower than query.max-memory / number of nodes. It may be required to increase this value if data are skewed.


  • Type: Integer (at least 1)
  • Default value: 5000
  • Description:
Deprecated Describes how many queries may wait in Presto coordinator queue. If the limit is reached the server will drop all new incoming queries. Setting this value high may allow to order a lot of queries at once with the cost of additional memory needed to keep informations about tasks to process. Lowering this value will decrease system capacity but will allow to utilize memory for real processing of data instead of queuing. It shouldn’t be used in new configuration, the query.queue-config-file can be used instead.


  • Type: String (duration)
  • Default value: 100 d
  • Description:
Used as default for session property query_max_run_time. If the Presto works in environment where there are mostly very long queries (over 100 days) than it may be a good idea to increase this value to avoid dropping clients that didn’t set their session property correctly. On the other hand in the Presto works in environment where they are only very short queries this value set to small value may be used to detect user errors in queries. It may also be decreased in poor Presto cluster configuration with mostly short queries to increase garbage collection efficiency and by that lowering memory usage in cluster.


  • Type: String
  • Default value:
  • Description:
The path to the queue config file. Queues are used to manage the number of concurrent queries across the system. More information on queues and how to configure them can be found in :doc:/admin/queue.


  • Type: Integer (at least 1)
  • Default value: 1000
  • Description:
This value describes the maximum size of the thread pool used to handle responses to HTTP requests for each task. Increasing this value will cause more resources to be used for handling HTTP communication itself, but may also improve response time when Presto is distributed across many hosts or there are a lot of small queries being run.


  • Type: String (duration, at least 1s)
  • Default value: 2 m
  • Description:
The minimal time that HTTP worker must be unavailable before the coordinator assumes the worker crashed. A higher value may be recommended in unstable connection conditions. This value is only a bottom line so there is no guarantee that a node will be considered dead after the query.remote-task.min-error-duration. In order to consider a node dead, the defined time must pass between two failed attempts of HTTP communication, with no successful communication in between.


  • Type: Integer (at least 1)
  • Default value: 1000
  • Description:
The size of single data chunk expressed in split that will be processed in a single stage. Higher value may be used if system works in reliable environment and the responsiveness is less important then average answer time, it will require more memory reserve though. Decreasing this value may have a positive effect if there are lots of nodes in system and calculations are relatively heavy for each of splits.

Exchange properties

Exchanges transfer data between Presto nodes for different stages of a query. Adjusting these properties may help to resolve inter-node communication issues or improve network utilization.


  • Type: integer
  • Minimum value: 1
  • Default value: 25

Number of threads used by exchange clients to fetch data from other Presto nodes. A higher value can improve performance for large clusters or clusters with very high concurrency, but excessively high values may cause a drop in performance due to context switches and additional memory usage.


  • Type: integer
  • Minimum value: 1
  • Default value: 3

Multiplier determining the number of concurrent requests relative to available buffer memory. The maximum number of requests is determined using a heuristic of the number of clients that can fit into available buffer space based on average buffer usage per request times this multiplier. For example, with an exchange.max-buffer-size of 32 MB and 20 MB already used and average size per request being 2MB, the maximum number of clients is multiplier * ((32MB - 20MB) / 2MB) = multiplier * 6. Tuning this value adjusts the heuristic, which may increase concurrency and improve network utilization.


  • Type: data size
  • Default value: 32MB

Size of buffer in the exchange client that holds data fetched from other nodes before it is processed. A larger buffer can increase network throughput for larger clusters and thus decrease query processing time, but will reduce the amount of memory available for other usages.


  • Type: data size
  • Minimum value: 1MB
  • Default value: 16MB

Maximum size of a response returned from an exchange request. The response will be placed in the exchange client buffer which is shared across all concurrent requests for the exchange.

Increasing the value may improve network throughput if there is high latency. Decreasing the value may improve query performance for large clusters as it reduces skew due to the exchange client buffer holding responses for more tasks (rather than hold more data from fewer tasks).


  • Type: data size
  • Default value: 32MB

Output buffer size for task data that is waiting to be pulled by upstream tasks. If the task output is hash partitioned, then the buffer will be shared across all of the partitioned consumers. Increasing this value may improve network throughput for data transferred between stages if the network has high latency or if there are many nodes in the cluster.

Task Properties


  • Type: integer
  • Restrictions: must be a power of two
  • Default value: 16

Default local concurrency for parallel operators such as joins and aggregations. This value should be adjusted up or down based on the query concurrency and worker resource utilization. Lower values are better for clusters that run many queries concurrently because the cluster will already be utilized by all the running queries, so adding more concurrency will result in slow downs due to context switching and other overhead. Higher values are better for clusters that only run one or a few queries at a time. This can also be specified on a per-query basis using the task_concurrency session property.


  • Type: integer
  • Minimum value: 1
  • Default value: 100

Maximum number of threads that may be created to handle HTTP responses. Threads are created on demand and are cleaned up when idle, thus there is no overhead to a large value if the number of requests to be handled is small. More threads may be helpful on clusters with a high number of concurrent queries, or on clusters with hundreds or thousands of workers.


  • Type: integer
  • Minimum value: 1
  • Default value: 3

Number of threads used to handle timeouts when generating HTTP responses. This value should be increased if all the threads are frequently in use. This can be monitored via the com.facebook.presto.server:name=AsyncHttpExecutionMBean:TimeoutExecutor JMX object. If ActiveCount is always the same as PoolSize, increase the number of threads.


  • Type: duration
  • Minimum value: 1ms
  • Maximum value: 10s
  • Default value: 3s

Controls staleness of task information, which is used in scheduling. Larger values can reduce coordinator CPU load, but may result in suboptimal split scheduling.


  • Type: data size
  • Default value: 16MB

Maximum size of partial aggregation results for distributed aggregations. Increasing this value can result in less network transfer and lower CPU utilization by allowing more groups to be kept locally before being flushed, at the cost of additional memory usage.


  • Type: integer
  • Default value: Node CPUs * 2

Sets the number of threads used by workers to process splits. Increasing this number can improve throughput if worker CPU utilization is low and all the threads are in use, but will cause increased heap space usage. Setting the value too high may cause a drop in performance due to a context switching. The number of active threads is available via the RunningSplits property of the com.facebook.presto.execution.executor:name=TaskExecutor.RunningSplits JXM object.


  • Type: integer
  • Default value: task.max-worker-threads * 2

The target number of running leaf splits on a worker. This is a minimum value because each leaf task is guaranteed at least 3 running splits. Non-leaf tasks are also guaranteed to run in order to prevent deadlocks. A lower value may improve responsiveness for new tasks, but can result in underutilized resources. A higher value can increase resource utilization, but uses additional memory.


  • Type: integer
  • Restrictions: must be a power of two
  • Default value: 1

The number of concurrent writer threads per worker per query. Increasing this value may increase write speed, especially when a query is not I/O bound and can take advantage of additional CPU for parallel writes (some connectors can be bottlenecked on CPU when writing due to compression or other factors). Setting this too high may cause the cluster to become overloaded due to excessive resource utilization. This can also be specified on a per-query basis using the task_writer_count session property.

Node Scheduler Properties


  • Type: integer
  • Default value: 100

The target value for the total number of splits that can be running for each worker node.

Using a higher value is recommended if queries are submitted in large batches (e.g., running a large group of reports periodically) or for connectors that produce many splits that complete quickly. Increasing this value may improve query latency by ensuring that the workers have enough splits to keep them fully utilized.

Setting this too high will waste memory and may result in lower performance due to splits not being balanced across workers. Ideally, it should be set such that there is always at least one split waiting to be processed, but not higher.


  • Type: integer
  • Default value: 10

The number of outstanding splits that can be queued for each worker node for a single stage of a query, even when the node is already at the limit for total number of splits. Allowing a minimum number of splits per stage is required to prevent starvation and deadlocks.

This value must be smaller than node-scheduler.max-splits-per-node, will usually be increased for the same reasons, and has similar drawbacks if set too high.


  • Type: integer
  • Minimum value: 1
  • Default value: 10

The minimum number of candidate nodes that will be evaluated by the node scheduler when choosing the target node for a split. Setting this value too low may prevent splits from being properly balanced across all worker nodes. Setting it too high may increase query latency and increase CPU usage on the coordinator.


  • Type: string
  • Allowed values: legacy, flat
  • Default value: legacy

Optimizer Properties


  • Type: boolean
  • Default value: false

Enables optimization for aggregations on dictionaries. This can also be specified on a per-query basis using the dictionary_aggregation session property.


  • Type: string
  • Default value: ELIMINATE_CROSS_JOINS

The join reordering strategy to use. NONE maintains the order the tables are listed in the query. ELIMINATE_CROSS_JOINS reorders joins to eliminate cross joins where possible and otherwise maintains the original query order. When reordering joins it also strives to maintain the original table order as much as possible. COST_BASED enumerates possible orders and uses statistics-based cost estimation to determine the least cost order. If stats are not available or if for any reason a cost could not be computed, the ELIMINATE_CROSS_JOINS strategy is used. This can also be specified on a per-query basis using the join_reordering_strategy session property.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default value: true

Compute hash codes for distribution, joins, and aggregations early during execution, allowing result to be shared between operations later in the query. This can reduce CPU usage by avoiding computing the same hash multiple times, but at the cost of additional network transfer for the hashes. In most cases it will decrease overall query processing time. This can also be specified on a per-query basis using the optimize_hash_generation session property.

It is often helpful to disable this property when using EXPLAIN in order to make the query plan easier to read.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default value: false

Enable optimization of some aggregations by using values that are stored as metadata. This allows Presto to execute some simple queries in constant time. Currently, this optimization applies to max, min and approx_distinct of partition keys and other aggregation insensitive to the cardinality of the input (including DISTINCT aggregates). Using this may speed up some queries significantly.

The main drawback is that it can produce incorrect results if the connector returns partition keys for partitions that have no rows. In particular, the Hive connector can return empty partitions if they were created by other systems (Presto cannot create them).


  • Type: boolean
  • Default value: true

The single distinct optimization will try to replace multiple DISTINCT clauses with a single GROUP BY clause, which can be substantially faster to execute.


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default value: true
  • Description:

When an aggregation is above an outer join and all columns from the outer side of the join are in the grouping clause, the aggregation is pushed below the outer join. This optimization is particularly useful for correlated scalar subqueries, which get rewritten to an aggregation over an outer join. For example:

SELECT * FROM item i
    WHERE i.i_current_price > (
        SELECT AVG(j.i_current_price) FROM item j
            WHERE i.i_category = j.i_category);

Enabling this optimization can substantially speed up queries by reducing the amount of data that needs to be processed by the join. However, it may slow down some queries that have very selective joins. This can also be specified on a per-query basis using the push_aggregation_through_join session property.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default value: true

Parallelize writes when using UNION ALL in queries that write data. This improves the speed of writing output tables in UNION ALL queries because these writes do not require additional synchronization when collecting results. Enabling this optimization can improve UNION ALL speed when write speed is not yet saturated. However, it may slow down queries in an already heavily loaded system. This can also be specified on a per-query basis using the push_table_write_through_union session property.

Session properties


  • Type: String (all-at-once or phased)
  • Default value: query.execution-policy (all-at-once)
  • Description:


  • Type: Integer
  • Default value: query.initial-hash-partitions (100)
  • Description:


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default value: optimizer.optimize-hash-generation (true)
  • Description:


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default value: true
  • Description:
Experimental. Adapt plan to use backend partitioning. When this is set, presto will try to partition data for workers such that each worker gets a chunk of data from a single backend partition. This enables workers to take advantage of the I/O distribution optimization in table partitioning. Note that this property is only used if a given projection uses all columns used for table partitioning inside connector.


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default value: optimizer.push-table-write-through-union (true)
  • Description:


  • Type: String (data size)
  • Default value: query.max-memory (20 GB)
  • Description:
This property can be use to be nice to the cluster if a particular query is not as important as the usual cluster routines. Setting this value to less than the server property query.max-memory will cause Presto to drop the query in the session if it will require more then query_max_memory memory. Setting this value to higher than query.max-memory will not have any effect.


  • Type: String (duration)
  • Default value: query.max-run-time (100 d)
  • Description:
If the expected query processing time is higher than query.max-run-time, it is crucial to set this session property to prevent results of long running queries being dropped after query.max-run-time. A session may also set this value to less than query.max-run-time in order to crosscheck for bugs in the query. Setting this value less than query.max-run-time may be particularly useful for a session with a very large number of short-running queries. It is important to set this value to much higher than the average query time to avoid problems with outliers (some queries may randomly take much longer due to cluster load and other circumstances). As the query timed out by this limit immediately returns all used resources this may be particularly useful in query management systems to force user limits.


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default value: false
  • Description:
Use resources that are not guaranteed to be available to a query. This property allows you to exceed the limits of memory available per query and session. It may allow resources to be used more efficiently, but may also cause non-deterministic query drops due to insufficient memory on machine. It can be particularly useful for performing more demanding queries.


  • Type: Integer (power of 2).
  • Default value: task.concurrency (16)
  • Description:
Default number of local parallel aggregation jobs per worker. Unlike task.concurrency this property must be power of two. See task.concurrency.


  • Type: Integer
  • Default value: task.writer-count (1)
  • Description: