========== Data Types ========== Presto has a set of built-in data types, described below. Additional types can be provided by plugins. .. note:: Connectors are not required to support all types. See connector documentation for details on supported types. BOOLEAN ------- This type captures boolean values ``true`` and ``false``. TINYINT ------- A 8-bit signed two's complement integer with a minimum value of ``-2^7`` and a maximum value of ``2^7 - 1``. SMALLINT -------- A 16-bit signed two's complement integer with a minimum value of ``-2^15`` and a maximum value of ``2^15 - 1``. INTEGER ------- A 32-bit signed two's complement integer with a minimum value of ``-2^31`` and a maximum value of ``2^31 - 1``. The name INT is also available for this type. BIGINT ------ A 64-bit signed two's complement integer with a minimum value of ``-2^63`` and a maximum value of ``2^63 - 1``. REAL ---- A real is a 32-bit inexact, variable-precision implementing the IEEE Standard 754 for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic. DOUBLE ------ A double is a 64-bit inexact, variable-precision implementing the IEEE Standard 754 for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic. DECIMAL ------- A fixed precision decimal number. Precision up to 38 digits is supported but performance is best up to 18 digits. DECIMAL type takes two literal parameters: - **precision** - total number of digits - **scale** - number of digits in fractional part. Scale is optional and defaults to 0. Example type definitions: ``DECIMAL(10,3)``, ``DECIMAL(20)`` Example literals: ``DECIMAL '10.3'``, ``DECIMAL '1234567890'``, ``1.1`` .. note:: Decimal literals (e.g. ``1.2``) are treated as the values of the ``DECIMAL`` type by default. In order to keep compatibility with the previous versions of Presto set either: - System wide property: ``deprecated.parse-decimal-literals-as-double=true`` - Session wide property: ``deprecated_parse_decimal_literals_as_double=true`` VARCHAR ------- Variable length character data with an optional maximum length. Example type definitions: ``varchar``, ``varchar(20)`` CHAR ---- Fixed length character data. A CHAR type without length specified has a default length of 1. A ``CHAR(x)`` value always has ``x`` characters. For instance, casting ``dog`` to ``CHAR(7)`` adds 4 implicit trailing spaces. Leading and trailing spaces are included in comparisons of CHAR values. As a result, two character values with different lengths (``CHAR(x)`` and ``CHAR(y)`` where ``x != y``) will never be equal. Example type definitions: ``char``, ``char(20)`` VARBINARY --------- Variable length binary data. .. note:: Binary strings with length are not yet supported: ``varbinary(n)`` JSON ---- Variable length json data. DATE ---- Calendar date (year, month, day). Example: ``DATE '2001-08-22'`` TIME ---- Time of day (hour, minute, second, millisecond) without a time zone. Values of this type are parsed and rendered in the session time zone. Example: ``TIME '01:02:03.456'`` TIME WITH TIME ZONE ------------------- Time of day (hour, minute, second, millisecond) with a time zone. Values of this type are rendered using the time zone from the value. Example: ``TIME '01:02:03.456 America/Los_Angeles'`` TIMESTAMP --------- Instant in time that includes the date and time of day without a time zone. Values of this type are parsed and rendered in the session time zone. Example: ``TIMESTAMP '2001-08-22 03:04:05.321'`` TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE ------------------------ Instant in time that includes the date and time of day with a time zone. Values of this type are rendered using the time zone from the value. Example: ``TIMESTAMP '2001-08-22 03:04:05.321 America/Los_Angeles'`` INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH ---------------------- Span of years and months. Example: ``INTERVAL '3' MONTH`` INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND ---------------------- Span of days, hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds. Example: ``INTERVAL '2' DAY`` .. _array_type: ARRAY ----- An array of the given component type. Example: ``ARRAY[1, 2, 3]`` .. _map_type: MAP --- A map between the given component types. Example: ``MAP(ARRAY['foo', 'bar'], ARRAY[1, 2])`` .. _row_type: ROW --- A structure made up of named fields. The fields may be of any SQL type, and are accessed with field reference operator ``.`` Example: ``CAST(ROW(1, 2.0) AS ROW(x BIGINT, y DOUBLE))``