================= MongoDB Connector ================= This connector allows the use of MongoDB collections as tables in Presto. .. note:: MongoDB 2.6+ is supported although it is highly recommend to use 3.0 or later. Configuration ------------- To configure the MongoDB connector, create a catalog properties file ``~/.prestoadmin/catalog/mongodb.properties`` with the following contents, replacing the properties as appropriate: .. code-block:: none connector.name=mongodb mongodb.seeds=host1,host:port Multiple MongoDB Clusters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can have as many catalogs as you need, so if you have additional MongoDB clusters, simply add another properties file to ``~/.prestoadmin/catalog`` with a different name (making sure it ends in ``.properties``). For example, if you name the property file ``sales.properties``, Presto will create a catalog named ``sales`` using the configured connector. Configuration Properties ------------------------ The following configuration properties are available: ===================================== ============================================================== Property Name Description ===================================== ============================================================== ``mongodb.seeds`` List of all mongod servers ``mongodb.schema-collection`` A collection which contains schema information ``mongodb.credentials`` List of credentials ``mongodb.min-connections-per-host`` The minimum size of the connection pool per host ``mongodb.connections-per-host`` The maximum size of the connection pool per host ``mongodb.max-wait-time`` The maximum wait time ``mongodb.connection-timeout`` The socket connect timeout ``mongodb.socket-timeout`` The socket timeout ``mongodb.socket-keep-alive`` Whether keep-alive is enabled on each socket ``mongodb.ssl.enabled`` Use TLS/SSL for connections to mongod/mongos ``mongodb.read-preference`` The read preference ``mongodb.write-concern`` The write concern ``mongodb.required-replica-set`` The required replica set name ``mongodb.cursor-batch-size`` The number of elements to return in a batch ===================================== ============================================================== ``mongodb.seeds`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Comma-separated list of ``hostname[:port]`` all mongod servers in the same replica set or a list of mongos servers in the same sharded cluster. If port is not specified, port 27017 will be used. This property is required; there is no default and at least one seed must be defined. ``mongodb.schema-collection`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ As the MongoDB is a document database, there's no fixed schema information in the system. So a special collection in each MongoDB database should defines the schema of all tables. Please refer the :ref:`table-definition-label` section for the details. At startup, this connector tries guessing fields' types, but it might not be correct for your collection. In that case, you need to modify it manually. ``CREATE TABLE`` and ``CREATE TABLE AS SELECT`` will create an entry for you. This property is optional; the default is ``_schema``. ``mongodb.credentials`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A comma separated list of ``username:password@collection`` credentials This property is optional; no default value. ``mongodb.min-connections-per-host`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The minimum number of connections per host for this MongoClient instance. Those connections will be kept in a pool when idle, and the pool will ensure over time that it contains at least this minimum number. This property is optional; the default is ``0``. ``mongodb.connections-per-host`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The maximum number of connections allowed per host for this MongoClient instance. Those connections will be kept in a pool when idle. Once the pool is exhausted, any operation requiring a connection will block waiting for an available connection. This property is optional; the default is ``100``. ``mongodb.max-wait-time`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The maximum wait time in milliseconds that a thread may wait for a connection to become available. A value of ``0`` means that it will not wait. A negative value means to wait indefinitely for a connection to become available. This property is optional; the default is ``120000``. ``mongodb.connection-timeout`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The connection timeout in milliseconds. A value of ``0`` means no timeout. It is used solely when establishing a new connection. This property is optional; the default is ``10000``. ``mongodb.socket-timeout`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The socket timeout in milliseconds. It is used for I/O socket read and write operations. This property is optional; the default is ``0`` and means no timeout. ``mongodb.socket-keep-alive`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This flag controls the socket keep alive feature that keeps a connection alive through firewalls. This property is optional; the default is ``false``. ``mongodb.ssl.enabled`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This flag enables SSL connections to MongoDB servers. This property is optional; the default is ``false``. ``mongodb.read-preference`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The read preference to use for queries, map-reduce, aggregation, and count. The available values are ``PRIMARY``, ``PRIMARY_PREFERRED``, ``SECONDARY``, ``SECONDARY_PREFERRED`` and ``NEAREST``. This property is optional; the default is ``PRIMARY``. ``mongodb.write-concern`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The write concern to use. The available values are ``ACKNOWLEDGED``, ``FSYNC_SAFE``, ``FSYNCED``, ``JOURNAL_SAFEY``, ``JOURNALED``, ``MAJORITY``, ``NORMAL``, ``REPLICA_ACKNOWLEDGED``, ``REPLICAS_SAFE`` and ``UNACKNOWLEDGED``. This property is optional; the default is ``ACKNOWLEDGED``. ``mongodb.required-replica-set`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The required replica set name. With this option set, the MongoClient instance will #. Connect in replica set mode, and discover all members of the set based on the given servers #. Make sure that the set name reported by all members matches the required set name. #. Refuse to service any requests if any member of the seed list is not part of a replica set with the required name. This property is optional; no default value. ``mongodb.cursor-batch-size`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Limits the number of elements returned in one batch. A cursor typically fetches a batch of result objects and stores them locally. If batchSize is 0, Driver's default will be used. If batchSize is positive, it represents the size of each batch of objects retrieved. It can be adjusted to optimize performance and limit data transfer. If batchSize is negative, it will limit of number objects returned, that fit within the max batch size limit (usually 4MB), and cursor will be closed. For example if batchSize is -10, then the server will return a maximum of 10 documents and as many as can fit in 4MB, then close the cursor. .. note:: Do not use a batch size of ``1``. This property is optional; the default is ``0``. .. _table-definition-label: Table Definition ---------------- MongoDB maintains table definitions on the special collection where ``mongodb.schema-collection`` configuration value specifies. .. note:: There's no way for the plugin to detect a collection is deleted. You need to delete the entry by ``db.getCollection("_schema").remove( { table: deleted_table_name })`` in the Mongo Shell. Or drop a collection by running ``DROP TABLE table_name`` using Presto. A schema collection consists of a MongoDB document for a table. .. code-block:: none { "table": ..., "fields": [ { "name" : ..., "type" : "varchar|bigint|boolean|double|date|array|...", "hidden" : false }, ... ] } } =============== ========= ============== ============================= Field Required Type Description =============== ========= ============== ============================= ``table`` required string Presto table name ``fields`` required array A list of field definitions. Each field definition creates a new column in the Presto table. =============== ========= ============== ============================= Each field definition: .. code-block:: none { "name": ..., "type": ..., "hidden": ... } =============== ========= ========= ============================= Field Required Type Description =============== ========= ========= ============================= ``name`` required string Name of the column in the Presto table. ``type`` required string Presto type of the column. ``hidden`` optional boolean Hides the column from ``DESCRIBE `` and ``SELECT *``. Defaults to ``false``. =============== ========= ========= ============================= There is no limit on field descriptions for either key or message. ObjectId -------- MongoDB collection has the special field ``_id``. The connector tries to follow the same rules for this special field, so there will be hidden field ``_id``. .. code-block:: sql CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS orders ( orderkey bigint, orderstatus varchar, totalprice double, orderdate date ); INSERT INTO orders VALUES(1, 'bad', 50.0, current_date); INSERT INTO orders VALUES(2, 'good', 100.0, current_date); SELECT _id, * FROM orders3; .. code-block:: none _id | orderkey | orderstatus | totalprice | orderdate -------------------------------------+----------+-------------+------------+------------ 55 b1 51 63 38 64 d6 43 8c 61 a9 ce | 1 | bad | 50.0 | 2015-07-23 55 b1 51 67 38 64 d6 43 8c 61 a9 cf | 2 | good | 100.0 | 2015-07-23 (2 rows) .. code-block:: sql SELECT _id, * FROM orders3 WHERE _id = ObjectId('55b151633864d6438c61a9ce'); .. code-block:: none _id | orderkey | orderstatus | totalprice | orderdate -------------------------------------+----------+-------------+------------+------------ 55 b1 51 63 38 64 d6 43 8c 61 a9 ce | 1 | bad | 50.0 | 2015-07-23 (1 row) .. note:: Unfortunately, there is no way to represent ``_id`` fields more fancy like ``55b151633864d6438c61a9ce``.