
DESCRIBE INPUT statement_name


Describes the input parameters for a prepared statement. It returns a table with the position and type of each parameter. If the type of the parameter can not be determined, unknown is returned. For more information on preparing a statement see PREPARE.


  1. Describe query with 3 parameters:

    Let my_select be the name of the prepared statement SELECT ? FROM nation WHERE regionkey = ? AND name < ?:

    DESCRIBE INPUT my_select

    Returns a table with the positions and types of all parameters

    Position | Type
    0        | unknown
    1        | bigint
    2        | varchar
  2. Describe query with no parameters:

    Let my_select be the name of the prepared statement SELECT * FROM nation:

    DESCRIBE INPUT my_select2

    Returns a table with one null row

    Position | Type
    NULL     | NULL