============= Release 0.147 ============= General Changes --------------- * Fix race condition that can cause queries that process data from non-columnar data sources to fail. * Fix incorrect formatting of dates and timestamps before year 1680. * Fix handling of syntax errors when parsing ``EXTRACT``. * Fix potential scheduling deadlock for connectors that expose node-partitioned data. * Fix performance regression that increased planning time. * Fix incorrect results for grouping sets for some queries with filters. * Add :doc:`/sql/show-create-view` and :doc:`/sql/show-create-table`. * Add support for column aliases in ``WITH`` clause. * Support ``LIKE`` clause for :doc:`/sql/show-catalogs` and :doc:`/sql/show-schemas`. * Add support for ``INTERSECT``. * Add support for casting row types. * Add :func:`sequence` function. * Add :func:`sign` function. * Add :func:`flatten` function. * Add experimental implementation of :doc:`resource groups `. * Remove experimental intermediate aggregation optimizer. The ``optimizer.use-intermediate-aggregations`` config option and ``task_intermediate_aggregation`` session property are no longer supported. * Add support for colocated joins for connectors that expose node-partitioned data. * Improve the performance of :func:`array_intersect`. * Generalize the intra-node parallel execution system to work with all query stages. The ``task.concurrency`` configuration property replaces the old ``task.join-concurrency`` and ``task.default-concurrency`` options. Similarly, the ``task_concurrency`` session property replaces the ``task_join_concurrency``, ``task_hash_build_concurrency``, and ``task_aggregation_concurrency`` properties. Hive Changes ------------ * Fix reading symlinks when the target is in a different HDFS instance. * Fix ``NoClassDefFoundError`` for ``SubnetUtils`` in HDFS client. * Fix error when reading from Hive tables with inconsistent bucketing metadata. * Correctly report read bytes when reading Parquet data. * Include path in unrecoverable S3 exception messages. * When replacing an existing Presto view, update the view data in the Hive metastore rather than dropping and recreating it. * Rename table property ``clustered_by`` to ``bucketed_by``. * Add support for ``varchar(n)``. Kafka Changes ------------- * Fix ``error code 6`` when reading data from Kafka. * Add support for ``varchar(n)``. Redis Changes ------------- * Add support for ``varchar(n)``. MySQL and PostgreSQL Changes ---------------------------- * Cleanup temporary data when a ``CREATE TABLE AS`` fails. * Add support for ``varchar(n)``.