16.15. EXPLAIN


EXPLAIN [ ( option [, ...] ) ] statement

where option can be one of:



Show the logical or distributed execution plan of a statement. Use TYPE DISTRIBUTED option to display fragmented plan. Each plan fragment is executed by a single or multiple Presto nodes. Fragments separation represent the data exchange between Presto nodes. Fragment type specifies how the fragment is executed by Presto nodes and how the data is distributed between fragments:

  • SINGLE: Fragment is executed by single node.

  • HASH: Fragment is executed by a fixed number of Presto nodes. Fragment input data is

    distributed among nodes with a hash function.

  • ROUND_ROBIN: Fragment is executed by a fixed number of Presto nodes. Fragment input data

    is distributed among nodes with a round robin function.

  • BROADCAST: Fragment is executed by a fixed number of Presto nodes. Fragment input data

    is broadcasted to all nodes.

  • SOURCE: Fragment is executed on nodes where input splits needs to be accessed from.


Logical plan:

presto:tiny> EXPLAIN SELECT regionkey, count(*) FROM nation GROUP BY 1;
                                                Query Plan
 - Output[regionkey, _col1] => [regionkey:bigint, count:bigint]
         _col1 := count
     - RemoteExchange[GATHER] => regionkey:bigint, count:bigint
         - Aggregate(FINAL)[regionkey] => [regionkey:bigint, count:bigint]
                 count := "count"("count_8")
             - RemoteExchange[REPARTITION] => regionkey:bigint, count_8:bigint, $hashvalue:bigint
                 - Project[] => [regionkey:bigint, count_8:bigint, $hashvalue_9:bigint]
                         $hashvalue_9 := "combine_hash"(BIGINT '0', COALESCE("$operator$hash_code"("regionkey"), 0))
                 - Aggregate(PARTIAL)[regionkey] => [regionkey:bigint, count_8:bigint]
                         count_8 := "count"(*)
                     - TableScan[tpch:tpch:nation:sf0.01, originalConstraint = true] => [regionkey:bigint]
                             regionkey := tpch:regionkey

Distributed plan:

presto:tiny> EXPLAIN (TYPE DISTRIBUTED) SELECT regionkey, count(*) FROM nation GROUP BY 1;
                                          Query Plan
 Fragment 0 [SINGLE]
     Output layout: [regionkey, count]
     Output partitioning: SINGLE []
     - Output[regionkey, _col1] => [regionkey:bigint, count:bigint]
             _col1 := count
         - RemoteSource[1] => [regionkey:bigint, count:bigint]

 Fragment 1 [HASH]
     Output layout: [regionkey, count]
     Output partitioning: SINGLE []
     - Aggregate(FINAL)[regionkey] => [regionkey:bigint, count:bigint]
             count := "count"("count_8")
         - RemoteSource[2] => [regionkey:bigint, count_8:bigint, $hashvalue:bigint]

 Fragment 2 [SOURCE]
     Output layout: [regionkey, count_8, $hashvalue_9]
     Output partitioning: HASH [regionkey]
     - Project[] => [regionkey:bigint, count_8:bigint, $hashvalue_9:bigint]
             $hashvalue_9 := "combine_hash"(BIGINT '0', COALESCE("$operator$hash_code"("regionkey"), 0))
         - Aggregate(PARTIAL)[regionkey] => [regionkey:bigint, count_8:bigint]
                 count_8 := "count"(*)
             - TableScan[tpch:tpch:nation:sf0.01, originalConstraint = true] => [regionkey:bigint]
                     regionkey := tpch:regionkey