9.3. Advanced Installation Options

Online vs Offline Installer

The installer has two different versions: the offline installer – prestoadmin-1.4-SNAPSHOT-offline.tar.bz2– and the online installer – prestoadmin-1.4-SNAPSHOT-online.tar.bz2. The offline installer includes all of the dependencies for presto-admin, so it can be used on a cluster without an outside network connection. The offline installer is recommended because it is faster.

The online installer downloads all of the dependencies when you call ./install-prestoadmin.sh. You may need to use the online installer if you try to install presto-admin on an unsupported operating system, because some of the binary files are dependent on the system files of a given operating system. Be aware, though, that there may be other operating system dependent differences beyond the installation process for unsupported operating system, and presto-admin may not work.

For instructions on how to build either installer see the README in the presto-admin repository.

Specifying a Certificate Authority for the Online Installer

The online installer downloads its dependencies from pypi.python.org, the standard Python location for hosting packages. For some operating systems, the certificate for pypi.python.org is not included in the CA cert bundle, so our installation scripts specify --trusted-host pypi.python.org when downloading the dependencies.

If using --trusted-host is not suitable for your security needs, it is possible to supply your own certificates to use to authenticate to pypi.python.org. Please note that if these certificates do not work to access pypi.python.org, the installation will fail. For example, to install with your own certificates:

sudo ./install-prestoadmin.sh <path_to_cert>/cacert.pem

Upgrading Presto-Admin

Upgrading to a newer version of presto-admin requires deleting the old installation and then installing the new version. The recommended installation location is /opt/prestoadmin, but you may have installed it in an alternative location. After you’ve deleted the prestoadmin directory, install the newer version of presto-admin by following the instructions in the installation section (see Installing Presto Admin). Your configuration files located in /etc/opt/prestoadmin will remain intact and continue to be used by the newer version of presto-admin.