==================================== Mathematical Functions and Operators ==================================== Mathematical Operators ---------------------- ======== =========== Operator Description ======== =========== ``+`` Addition ``-`` Subtraction ``*`` Multiplication ``/`` Division (integer division performs truncation) ``%`` Modulus (remainder) ======== =========== Mathematical Functions ---------------------- .. function:: abs(x) -> [same as input] Returns the absolute value of ``x``. .. function:: cbrt(x) -> double Returns the cube root of ``x``. .. function:: ceil(x) -> [same as input] This is an alias for :func:`ceiling`. .. function:: ceiling(x) -> [same as input] Returns ``x`` rounded up to the nearest integer. .. function:: degrees(x) -> double Converts angle ``x`` in radians to degrees. .. function:: e() -> double Returns the constant Euler's number. .. function:: exp(x) -> double Returns Euler's number raised to the power of ``x``. .. function:: floor(x) -> [same as input] Returns ``x`` rounded down to the nearest integer. .. function:: from_base(string, radix) -> bigint Returns the value of ``string`` interpreted as a base-``radix`` number. .. function:: ln(x) -> double Returns the natural logarithm of ``x``. .. function:: log2(x) -> double Returns the base 2 logarithm of ``x``. .. function:: log10(x) -> double Returns the base 10 logarithm of ``x``. .. function:: log(x, b) -> double Returns the base ``b`` logarithm of ``x``. .. function:: mod(n, m) -> [same as input] Returns the modulus (remainder) of ``n`` divided by ``m``. .. function:: pi() -> double Returns the constant Pi. .. function:: pow(x, p) -> double This is an alias for :func:`power`. .. function:: power(x, p) -> double Returns ``x`` raised to the power of ``p``. .. function:: radians(x) -> double Converts angle ``x`` in degrees to radians. .. function:: rand() -> double This is an alias for :func:`random()`. .. function:: random() -> double Returns a pseudo-random value in the range 0.0 <= x < 1.0. .. function:: random(n) -> [same as input] Returns a pseudo-random number between 0 and n (exclusive). .. function:: round(x) -> [same as input] Returns ``x`` rounded to the nearest integer. .. function:: round(x, d) -> [same as input] Returns ``x`` rounded to ``d`` decimal places. .. function:: sign(x) -> [same as input] Returns the signum function of ``x``, that is: * 0 if the argument is 0, * 1 if the argument is greater than 0, * -1 if the argument is less than 0. For double arguments, the function additionally returns: * NaN if tha argument is NaN, * 1 if the argument is +Infinity, * -1 if the argument is -Infinity. .. function:: sqrt(x) -> double Returns the square root of ``x``. .. function:: to_base(x, radix) -> varchar Returns the base-``radix`` representation of ``x``. .. function:: truncate(x) -> double Returns ``x`` rounded to integer by dropping digits after decimal point. .. function:: width_bucket(x, bound1, bound2, n) -> bigint Returns the bin number of ``x`` in an equi-width histogram with the specified ``bound1`` and ``bound2`` bounds and ``n`` number of buckets. .. function:: width_bucket(x, bins) -> bigint Returns the bin number of ``x`` according to the bins specified by the array ``bins``. The ``bins`` parameter must be an array of doubles and is assumed to be in sorted ascending order. Trigonometric Functions ----------------------- All trigonometric function arguments are expressed in radians. See unit conversion functions :func:`degrees` and :func:`radians`. .. function:: acos(x) -> double Returns the arc cosine of ``x``. .. function:: asin(x) -> double Returns the arc sine of ``x``. .. function:: atan(x) -> double Returns the arc tangent of ``x``. .. function:: atan2(y, x) -> double Returns the arc tangent of ``y / x``. .. function:: cos(x) -> double Returns the cosine of ``x``. .. function:: cosh(x) -> double Returns the hyperbolic cosine of ``x``. .. function:: sin(x) -> double Returns the sine of ``x``. .. function:: tan(x) -> double Returns the tangent of ``x``. .. function:: tanh(x) -> double Returns the hyperbolic tangent of ``x``. Floating Point Functions ------------------------ .. function:: infinity() -> double Returns the constant representing positive infinity. .. function:: is_finite(x) -> boolean Determine if ``x`` is finite. .. function:: is_infinite(x) -> boolean Determine if ``x`` is infinite. .. function:: is_nan(x) -> boolean Determine if ``x`` is not-a-number. .. function:: nan() -> double Returns the constant representing not-a-number.